Friday Afternoon Follies: Trouble

I know two things about this picture. It was taken in 1919—note the Community House that preceded Autry House in the background—and that guy was in for it.

Community House 1919


Bonus: Many thanks to Dannie, Charles and Steve from FE&P who found these old copper plates up in the attic of Lovett Hall and brought them in to us! We really appreciate it.Dannie,Charles Steve from the Ac department of F & E

Extra Bonus: One of the things you can do on WordPress if you feel like it is to see what search terms people use to find your blog. I rarely check but I glanced at it this morning and found this—“melissa kean historically inacurate.” This put a smile on my face that has lasted all day.

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4 Responses to Friday Afternoon Follies: Trouble

  1. marmer01 says:

    No doubt someone was trying to find a post where you had debunked some urban legend or something. 😉

  2. almadenmike says:

    What were the copper plates used for?

  3. Grungy says:

    They look like printing plates.
    There was some very entertaining stuff up in the attic over the Founder’s Room, the last time I was there.

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