Friday Afternoon Follies: Dumbest Joke Ever

And yet it never fails to make me laugh. I think it’s their googly eyes. In real life this is a teeny tiny little cartoon that’s buried in the first edition of the Campanile.

Prexy 1916 Campanile

Bonus: The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. I’m standing under the overhang of the new building looking at the old one.

Cooper Union

Extra Bonus: Real New York City slush, deeper than it looks.

NYC slush

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12 Responses to Friday Afternoon Follies: Dumbest Joke Ever

  1. Francis Eugene "Gene" PRATT, Institute Class of '56 says:

    Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art:
    Fascinating exterior; hard for me to visualize the interior rooms.

    “Slush”: what is that pic about?

    • Deborah Gronke Bennett (BSEE Hanszen 1982) says:

      March: slush season in snow country. Melissa’s picture is a good one of what the streets looked like in the Chicago area where I grew up. The snow on the city streets turns grey, then black as the road dirt is ground into it, and collects in the gutters. It also floats on frigid grey puddles of snowmelt. More than a few times I stepped into what I thought was a small slush puddle to find it covered a pothole in the gutter a foot deep, full of water, which soaked me to the ankles.

  2. Melissa Kean says:

    The original interior was gutted for a renovation in, I think, the 1970s. The current interior and the exterior seem to have no real relationship any more, like a bad marriage. This bottom floors of this building house the library so it’s really all kind of one big space.

    The slush is what I had to walk through to get there this morning. You can’t say I don’t suffer for my art.

    • Francis Eugene "Gene" PRATT, Institute Class of '56 says:

      “… suffer for my art.”
      Keep your hands off your year, no matter how bad the tinnitus becomes!

      • Francis Eugene "Gene" PRATT, Institute Class of '56 says:

        I meant “EAR”.
        [I knew I shouldn’t get up so early in the morning!]

  3. marmer01 says:

    No Letters for that Cooper Union! Just Science and Art!

  4. Francis Eugene "Gene" PRATT, Institute Class of '56 says:

    As I recall (HA!), some of the Lincoln-Douglas (?sp:notsl) debates were held in that building.
    Nicht Wahr?

  5. Grungy says:

    My late mother was a graduate of the CU.
    Taken from a photo that I took in 2009 (if you’re a Facebook friend of mine, look for the “NY 2009” album, and frames 125 – 127 to see this and the building that Melissa was standing under):
    “Cooper Union – for the advancement of science and art
    Peter Cooper, inventor, civic leader, philanthropist, founded this institution offering free education to all. In its great hall, birthplace of many important social and political movements, America’s leading citizens have spoken, among them Abraham Lincoln, whose 1860 address here contributed to his presidential nomination. Designed by Frederick A. Peterson. This building was opened in 1859.”

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