Friday Evening Follies: This is More Like It!

From a Sophomore Class outing in April, 1955: Here are some girls wearing bathing suits of their own choosing. Quite different.

Swimsuits April 1955

I’m pretty sure at least a couple of them are the same ones from yesterday’s photo:

Intramurals 1954 swimming Dearmond

By the way, these two pictures come from completely different collections.

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5 Responses to Friday Evening Follies: This is More Like It!

  1. marmer01 says:

    The woman on the right is the same in both pictures, and I’m reasonably willing to believe that the woman on the left is the same, too. Can’t be sure about the one in the center in the gym-swim pic.

  2. C Kelly says:


  3. john wolda says:

    The three girls are Ann Farmer, Carolyn Dearmond and a Blackledge twin (Patti or Penny).

    South End did become San Jac.

  4. taylor says:

    It appears the bathing beauties are sitting on a 1953 Pontiac convertible with a 1953 Buick Special as the ugly duckling in the back.

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