ArchiArts, 1956

There must have been a sale on that striped fabric.

ArchiArts 1956

This image is from a glorious old kodachrome slide. The color on those things was just fantastic. We have a bunch that were taken at Rice in the ’50s by J. Fred Duckett, ’55 and this may be one of those.

Bonus: It occurred to me this morning that I can actually hang out of the hallway windows in the Space Science building. It’s funny to me that I hadn’t thought of it before.

Hanging out window north 2014

Hanging out window west 2014


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4 Responses to ArchiArts, 1956

  1. Richard A. Schafer says:

    Kodachrome was indeed fabulous. I’ve been on a project of scanning a lot of old family slides from the 50s and 60s. The Kodachrome slides still look great, while the old Ektachrome slides are almost always highly degraded. Even Ektachrome from the 80s hasn’t held up that well.

  2. I scanned some of my dad’s Kodachrome. Amazing technology.

  3. Yes. It gives those nice bright colors. It gives the green to summers. It makes you think all the world’s a sunny day.

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