Obsolete Refreshment Technology

These used to be ubiquitous and now I can’t remember the last time I saw one. I’m not sure what happened, although I do recall that they were kind  of awkward.


Here’s former Rice Board chairman Charles Duncan using one for his coffee. Looks like whoever is on the other side of the desk is having a Coke:

Charles Duncan nd

And I couldn’t find any picture of Sanford Higginbotham, ’34, who taught in the history department and edited the Journal of Southern History from 1965 to 1983, without at least one within arms reach. Here’s a portrait with two:

SAnford Higginbotham Dean

And here he is with the rowdies of the Journal staff and a cup over his shoulder:

Sanford Higginbotham JSH staff nd

None of these images are dated, by the way, and any help is appreciated.

Bonus: As usual, Campus Photographer Tommy Lavergne gets with the program. I confess that I don’t know where he took this.



Extra Bonus: I wrote this post several hours ago but I waited until I got home to put it up because I wanted to check the year Sanford Higginbotham got his undergraduate degree from Rice. I needn’t have bothered, it turns out, because I had it right all on my own: 1934.  Then it dawned on me that I know what year Sanford Higginbotham got his undergraduate degree from Rice. Wow. I may have been doing this too long.

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21 Responses to Obsolete Refreshment Technology

  1. james lang says:

    cart is custodial at Martel. on occasion there is a custodian attached

  2. C Kelly says:

    Makes sense, Charles Duncan owned a coffee company. On the other hand I can’t explain Higginbotham’s addiction to coffee.

  3. Melissa Kean says:

    It’s a good start!

  4. Marie Brannon says:

    I’m lovin’ the ink bottle next to the hole puncher. Brings back nice memories of ink-stained fingers!

  5. almadenmike says:

    Cozy cups and holders made by Solo are still available (Amazon, for example: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=aps&keywords=SOLO%20Cup%20Company%20Cozy%20Cup%20Liners%20for%20Plastic%20Cup%20Holder,%207%20oz%20Liners/Bag%20-%2020%20bags%20of%20100%20liners.&linkCode=ur2&tag=bu788-20) …. but they’re not mentioned at all on the company’s website or list of products: http://www.solocup.com/products.html . Solo is now part of the Dart Container Corp.

    Another obsolete item in first Higginbotham photo is a bottle of Shaeffer’s Skrip ink.

  6. almadenmike says:

    The desk calendar could help you narrow down the date of the second Higginbotham photo. It appears that it’s opened to Wednesday … 13th of the month. From the proportion of past/future pages, I’d guess it was taken in October or November. (One could check this with one of these types of desk calendars, which are not uncommon today.)

    Checking some old newspaper sites, it seems that October 13 fell on a Wednesday in 1965, 1971, 1976 and 1982 … and November 13 fell on a Wednesday in 1963, 1974 and 1985. (I suspect there would be a couple more years, too.)

  7. Chuck Holden says:

    Is that John Boles sitting on the desk?

  8. mattnoall says:

    Well, an obsolete word to go with the refreshment technology : the plastic holder is a “zarf,” I believe although I do not think they used the word .

    • almadenmike says:

      Various online definitions say zarf refers to a beverage container (e.g., chalice) or cup-holder/sheath (e.g., cardboard ring insulator) that has no handle. So a Solo’s Cozy Cup holder, which had a handle, wouldn’t be a zarf.

  9. Deborah Gronke Bennett (BSEE Hanszen 1982) says:

    How about the obsolete cassette recorder and microphone technology in the first photo? Looks like the coke-drinker was doing an interview.

  10. Pingback: The Mace | Rice History Corner

  11. Pingback: The Co-ed’s Blind Date Chart, 1934 | Rice History Corner

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