Surveying, 1913

These pictures from Karl Knapp’s scrapbook are both labeled “Surveying Class, 1913.” It’s hard to be completely sure because the earliest General Announcements aren’t  clear about course offerings, but I believe this was the first time this class was taught. It would be mainstay of the engineering curriculum for decades. Aren’t they handsome in their suits, ties, and hats?



Bonus: Deep in the heart of Texas.



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2 Responses to Surveying, 1913

  1. marmer01 says:

    Bonus: watch out for “deers” out there, dear. You don’t get much reaction time at 85. There are miles and miles of two-lane highway in central Texas that I find terrifying at the posted speed limit of 75.

  2. Lou Ann Montana says:

    Melissa, I can’t wait to share the Survey photos with our survey crews and office staff. Thanks!

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