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“Duplicates,” undated

Yesterday I was digging around in the files that came over a couple years ago from the campus photographers. I didn’t find what I was looking for but I did come across some other great material, including an entire folder full of slides that don’t seem to be all that old, but reveal a campus I don’t know well at all. It’s neither new enough to be part of my own experience nor old enough to have been something I’ve studied intently. All the photos seem to have been taken at about the same time, but they aren’t labeled except for one singularly unhelpful word: “duplicates.”

This is completely new to me. I simply do not know where this is:

Neither do I know how long the library looked like this inside:

Or where the post office was:

I do think that the idea of a Rice Museum is a really good one, although I have no idea what might have been in here:

Anybody have a plausible date? I’m guessing, based on next to nothing, mid to late ’70s.

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