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Rice Hotel Laundry

Most of the things that I found in the box labeled “Campus Construction Negatives, 1964-68” (first mentioned here) are pretty much what you’d expect to find in a box so labeled. Not everything, though. Archives can be weird places.

These images are both fascinating and hard to explain. It’s the laundry facility for the Rice Hotel in the summer of 1965. Here’s the exterior:

And the interior, complete with workers:

What puzzles me about this is that, while the history of the Rice Hotel gets pretty convoluted, I’m almost certain that we didn’t own it in the summer of 1965 (although I do believe we then owned the land on which it stood). Also, I have no clue where this facility was (is?) located.

Just for fun, here’s the parking lot, full of glorious cars:

Bonus: A couple shots of the inside of the Rice Hotel, which I’m fairly sure were taken at a time in the ’70s when we did own the building. Lots of napkins to wash in that ballroom.


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