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Adding On to Rice Stadium

I’ve been carrying these two photos around for a month or so, waiting for a reason to go out to the stadium and have a look around. They are misdated as “September 1950.” That simply can’t be right–it’s not the end of the original stadium construction but the beginning of an addition–but I can easily see how the mistake might have been made.

While I was out there this afternoon I wanted to see if I could figure out exactly what it was. Friends, I could not. This area has become an astonishing hodge-podge, with pieces sticking out all over the place and weird twists and turns in all directions. It makes Abercrombie seem rational. It has also, if I may be frank, seen better days.

I took these two pictures looking across the top of the additions on the back from either side of the R Room:

I have not given up, though, and vow to go back and have another look (in blue jeans and work boots) after I’ve done some research.

Bonus: Those people in Circulation are complete maniacs.

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