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“Call 3333”

The first thing I noticed here was the crazier than ordinary owl picture on the wall. The third thing I noticed was that the guy with the grin is Scott Wise, (’71, ’73). I don’t really have a good guess as to when this image was taken so I don’t know exactly what his job title was at this time but he certainly looks like he was enjoying it:

The really interesting thing to me, though, was the thing I noticed in between those two things—-the telephone. I can promise you two things about that phone: it was a ROLM phone and it was green. How do I know this? Here’s the phone in my office at home, a cast off that found its way to me a while ago:

I don’t know when the campus emergency number changed–it’s now 6000–but I suspect it was at the same time the campus exchange became 348.

It works, by the way.

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