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Fun in the Sun, 1967

I spend a lot of time reading old issues of the Thresher. Truly, that’s an understatement. I have stacks of bound volumes in my office at home and it’s a rare day that I don’t open at least one. They’re digitized and available online, of course, as is the custom these days, but there really isn’t any substitute for holding them in your hands.

One of the things I’ve noticed over the years is how in the last couple of issues each spring the ads change. It’s as though the local merchants felt they had to take advantage of that one last shot at bagging some student cash before they all headed off to wherever they went every summer. Hence the “fun in the sun” ads. This is a great example from Ed Nirken’s men’s store in the Village, dated 1967:

This one also ran in 1967 but it seems to have arrived from some alternate universe:

The late 1960s were strange, strange times.


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