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Rice Village Aerial, 1948

Check out this beauty from the Houston Metropolitan Research Center at the Houston Public Library:

It’s a nice crisp shot taken in the fall of 1948, more or less directly over the top of the Village. I wouldn’t have been able to place it if it weren’t for the western edge of the Rice campus over there at the right. Both of these things are highly interesting. Views of that northwest corner of campus are few and far between and it would soon all be paved over. Zoom in on that area and you can see that there are still some woods on the far side of the diagonal shell road.

The Village looks so open but it’s basic shape is already recognizable. One thing that caught my eye is a white house just west of the corner of Rice Boulevard and Greenbrier. During the 1940s both Miss Pender Turnbull, who worked in the library, and Miss Ann Wheeler, who worked in the president’s office, had apartments in that building. I think it later became the Maryknoll House and is now the site of Hungry’s restaurant. I also think I can see Kay’s off in the distance.

Bonus: That’s a Tommy Lavergne photo.

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