The Week Before Commencement

It’s slow. Really slow. Deliciously slow. The campus has emptied, but summer isn’t here yet. I have nothing but plans that I have not yet failed to see through to completion. No sunburns, no screw ups, no triple bogeys. Summer starts Sunday, the day after commencement, and it will be over too quickly. This week, though, is only potential.

Well, potential and chair set-up on the quad.

Oh, and one more thing. Everyone needs to get their regalia squared away.

I can’t date this photo precisely, but it has to be from the late 1920s. I know this because one of these jaspers will turn out to be someone important enough in the history of Rice that I know when he graduated without looking. Guesses anyone?

I’d like to know how they decided who got to hold the tape measure.

Bonus: I was admiring this Pontiac over by the Chemistry Building

when this rascal decided to come over and give me a hard time. Don’t worry–I called his bluff and emerged victorious.

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1 Response to The Week Before Commencement

  1. marmer01 says:

    Perhaps the squirrel thought you looked like a car nut…

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