Friday Afternoon Encouragement: Be Strong!

You are, indeed, worth it:

Campus map with encouragement 2014

I saw this during finals week this Spring.

Judging from the number of emails I got last night and this morning, the issue of the history of campus maps and signage is weighing on a lot of minds. I’ll do some more intentional investigation when I have the chance.

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1 Response to Friday Afternoon Encouragement: Be Strong!

  1. A long, long time ago, shortly after Post-It notes were invented, my apartment-mate (and very close friend) at Rice started dating a new girl and it was going very well. One day he came to his car in North Lot and found a Post-it note stuck to his car window with just a smiley face drawn on it signed by the girl. He kept that Post-It note for years. Kept the girl, too. Their daughter just finished her second year at Rice.

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