Friday Follies: Ozymandias

The late, lamented Jim Kinsey ’56, ’59, former dean of the Wiess School of Natural Sciences, was one of the people at Rice who could made me laugh until I couldn’t breathe. Even now, every time I look at the manner in which he defaced this picture I nearly collapse in a fit of giggles. This is classic Kinsey, funny on multiple levels and both self-deprecating and subtly deprecating of some other deserving characters too. Oh, how I miss him!


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3 Responses to Friday Follies: Ozymandias

  1. Jim Walzel '59 says:

    Thanks Melissa for all your continuing good work! Ozymandias, one of my favorite poems. This is both thoughtful and funny.

  2. Francis Eugene "Gene" Pratt Rice Institute 1956 says:

    Here’s a string Charles Koberg of Rice Institute 1956+ and I had.
    I wished to make it more acceptable here, but did NOT know how; I am an old, ignorant retiree, ya know.
    So do with it as you will.
    Begin at bottom and with it upwork. (See how well I learned Deutsch.)

    Have at it, Gene. OK to mention me, but add that Jim and I were quite close, having been classmates in high school and college plus getting together often in the years thereafter. At his posthumous request, I spoke at Jim’s memorial service.
    Charles Koberg
    If youth only knew, if age only could

    On Oct 14, 2017, at 11:55 AM, FRANCIS wrote:
    Very ironic.
    Thanks for telling me.
    MAY I forward a copy to Melissa of your reply to me. I think she would enjoy; she works hard at that job.
    I can delete all identifying tracks to you, if you wish.
    But hecky darn, I’d like to see your name on her blog, in order to stimulate others of our class to participate therein.

    From: “Charles Koberg”
    To: “Gene Pratt”
    Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 11:49:12 AM
    Subject: Re: Rice – KInsey

    Oh, Gene, how ironic.
    I’m the one who doctored Jim’s photo taken when the new chemistry building was rising by adding that cartoon caption quote from Shelley’s “Ozymandias.” (He and I always enjoyed and quoted that sonnet.)
    I sent it to Jim, and, hugely enjoying the joke, he framed it to hang in his office.

    On Oct 14, 2017, at 11:00 AM, FRANCIS wrote:
    Charls, me boy,
    Thought you might like this, if you don’t subscribe to Melissa’s Rice History Blog:
    Gene Pratt
    Rice Institute 1956

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