Friday Follies: Undated, but Timeless

College kids–what won’t they think of?

Sid Sux nd 046

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5 Responses to Friday Follies: Undated, but Timeless

  1. marmer01 says:

    A friend of mine from Will Rice tells the story of an epic bottle rocket fight with Lovett, where the enemy Lovetteers were firing with impunity from behind their brick screen wall. One heretofore quiet and uninvolved Will Ricer brought out a carefully hoarded large “fireworks display-style” rocket and fired it at Lovett. Somehow it actually passed through one of the holes in the screen wall and exploded, backlighting the Lovetteers with a red flash. That was the end of that bottle rocket fight.

    • When I was at Will Rice, we did that to Sid once. Someone was firing bottle rockets from a length of conduit so they could aim them more accurately. One went inside an upper floor lobby at Sid. We saw the flash, but didn’t hear the explosion.

  2. loki_the_bubba says:

    My name is loki and I approve this message.

  3. joecwhite says:

    For a week in the spring of 1989, the words “LOVETT SUCKS” were displayed on the roof of Lovett commons. Spelled out in flour, they were plainly visible from above, like from the balconies and eastern-facing rooms in Sid. I can neither confirm nor deny my responsibility for this action.

  4. JD Miner says:

    Ah, Joe… I remember it well…sitting in my window box on the 6th floor of Sid & viewing the unofficial “Gospel of Sid” written on the pebbled commons roof of Lovett. LOVETT?!?! LOVETT SUCKS! Cheers to whomever scaled that lofty height and poured out the truth in pure white flour. Kudos also for spelling “Sucks” correctly as was not the case with our Lovett brethren. LOVETT?!?! LOVETT SUCKS! (At least back in the day)

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