Quarantine, March 1927

It was diptheria this time but this certainly has a contemporary feel:

I’m sure you’ll all be as shocked as I was at the dorm dwellers’ reaction to the quarantine order:

I realize that there have been numerous posts about 1927 recently but it can’t be helped. Prepare yourselves for more because I found something wonderful but it’s going to take a bit of work to get there.

Trust me. Really, you can.

Bonus: I was on campus this afternoon and it’s so oddly quiet–not completely deserted like earlier but nothing at all like the bustle and excitement of a normal fall semester. There are a lot of signs around issuing all kinds of orders but the most explicit directions come from the architects, who are not fooling around about hand washing.

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8 Responses to Quarantine, March 1927

  1. Matthew Noall says:

    Is the Galactic Empire coming as well? 😷

  2. Karen Shelton says:

    Wow, definitely no HIPAA laws back then! Poor Mr. Acheson had his health scare widely broadcast.

  3. Lynne Hsu Xavier (WRC ‘88) says:

    Nice how the article casually foisted the responsibility for disease spread onto the kitchen and janitorial staff…

  4. Steve Lukingbeal. Hanszen ‘76 says:

    It’s interesting how there are similarities between today’s epidemic and this epidemic, including uncertainty about how contagious it was, who had immunity, who should be isolated, and great variances in personal compliance.

  5. marmer01 says:

    I love that Archi thing. It’s so Archi.

  6. grungy1973 says:

    Why do I expect the words on the floor to scroll upwards, all to the Star Wars Main Theme?

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