Friday Follies: Easy Rider, no date

Sometimes I can’t even fathom why someone took a particular photograph. This is an especially grim scene, possibly somewhere deep in the library by the look of the tile underneath the stained carpet remnant:

The reason for memorializing this vista seems elusive. Maybe the poster, I guess, maybe a demonstration of the need to remodel, maybe just grad student angst.

Bonus: Even this skeleton is more cheerful.

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6 Responses to Friday Follies: Easy Rider, no date

  1. The only book spines I can make out easily are “Melville”, “Nietsche”, and “The Cantos”. Seems like an English lit bookcase.

    The snapshot pinned to the bookcase might be John Lennon in “How I Won the War”.

    The photo was taken standing on a desk or a ladder. Looks taller than standing on a chair.

    Nice built-in bookcases. They seem to have a curve just to the right of center. Is the wall closer in on the left side and they follow it? Pretty custom work, if so.

  2. marmer01 says:

    Either that’s a custom bookcase and the photo was taken at that angle to show if off, or it is some kind of distortion in the original print. The stain looks like someone dropped an ashtray.

  3. almadenmike says:

    In the middle shelf, second section from the right is the 1952 edition of The Cantos of Ezra Pound ( … but such an early date doesn’t help with when this photo was taken.

  4. almadenmike says:

    And Walter’s correct about the photo, which appears to be this one of “John Lennon as Gripweed in How I won the War, 1966.”

  5. Steve Straub '72 says:

    Thanks so much for all you do to preserve Rice history. I coached Men’s Track & Field during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. When Autry Gym Athletic offices were renovated there was a file cabinet in my office, later occupied by Ray Davidson and Jon Warren, with individual and team workouts and meet info hand recorded on legal pads by myself, Augie Erfurth and Bobby May. Jon Warren, the current Mens Track Coach says the contents of that file cabinet were moved and stored somewhere off campus. Do you have knowledge of where and, if so, could I help locate and view?
    Thanks again. I thoroughly enjoy all your posts

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