Friday Follies: A Monument More Lasting than Bronze, nd

It can’t have been easy to get that relaxed on a stone bench. I admire their commitment, though, and plan to emulate it. I’m taking Labor Day off–see you Tuesday.

The monument lasted but the bench vanished at some point. I have no real idea when or why it disappeared, by the way.


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10 Responses to Friday Follies: A Monument More Lasting than Bronze, nd

  1. loki_the_bubba says:

    The fountain is on? Really?

  2. Where was that bench? The inscription seems familiar.

    • Melissa Kean says:

      It was in between the old Physics building and architecture. The inscription was a tribute to Lovett, from Horace I believe: He has built a monument more lasting than bronze.

      • Ah, that sounds right.

        There is a color photo near the end of the 1981 Campanile. It is of tire tracks heading out across the grass. It made me think of leaving Rice when I took it, that was my last year. That photo was taken about where the bench was.

      • almadenmike says:

        The Latin phrase is the same one carved into Lovett Hall in 1948 when the building was named for EOL.

        From a year-in-review article in the first Sallyport of 1949 (Vol 5, No. 1, p. 3;

        > > >
        A marble inscription placed on the edifice reads “Lovett Hall—In grateful homage to the clear vision, unfaltering zeal and beneficient labors of Edgar Odell Lovett, first President of The Rice Institute. Exegit Monumentum Aere Perennius.”

        The last phrase, taken from Horace, translates — “He has built a monument more lasting than bronze.”
        < < <

  3. marmer01 says:

    I have never been to Cohen House when the fountain was off. I’m guessing they only run it when CoHo is open.

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